After becoming a featured regular on The MTV show Love Squad, Ethan Donbavand has his sights set on stardom as he embarks on his new project entitled “Smugglers: A Star Wars Story”, here is all we know about this upcoming project so far – “After a job for their employer goes wrong, Orion and his crew of rag-tag Smugglers must complete one last heist for royal crime-boss, Geuno Quaz. Can Orion and his crew settle the score for their boss once and for all?”.
The MTV Star is set to make an appearance somewhere in the galaxy far far away, as of yet, remains unknown. We spoke to Ethan about his time on the MTV show Love Squad, he responded with “it was a life-changing moment for me, i have made so many connections from my time on the show”. Mr Donbavand is rumoured to make a return to TV this winter in a new show, keep an eye peeled for him in the festive season.