
Former Malaysian Financier Jho Low May Be Making a Hollywood Comeback

News has hit that the infamous Malaysian Jho Low has reached a deal with the United State’s Department of Justice which both absolves him of all guilt and drops the civil and criminal charges against him.

This news effects all walks of life, but no group more than Hollywood’s elite that are bound to welcome Jho Low back to society with open arms.

Low was considered the mastermind of a huge Malaysian scandal that siphoned billons from the state fund 1MDB. He is a wanted man in Malaysia and, since 2016, his whereabouts are unknown.

But before shit hit the metaphorical fan for Low, he was a familiar face in the highest of Hollywood circles. The young financier was known for throwing the most lavish of parties that always included a guestlist with names like Kim Kardashian and Britany Spears, he was rumored to be romantically involved with Miranda Kerr, and he was one of the producers for none other than film The Wolf Of Wallstreet.

The enigmatic Malaysian tycoon was also known for his generosity to friends, He gifted Leonardo DiCaprio with a $3.2 million Picasso and surprised Miranda Kerr with an acrylic grand piano worth up to $1 million.

The historic deal between the Department of Justice and Low is majorly beneficial to the U.S. as it saves time, effort and resources while simultaneously recovering assets.

Now that Low has been granted asylum in the U.S., more countries are bound to follow, and it seems to be inevitable that Low will be internationally absolved. Who knows, maybe he will resume his seat as one of the main Hollywood players?

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