Celebrity fragrances are, almost to a bedazzled bottle, foul. Sitting on a spectrum between car air fresheners and lighter fuel, they’re cheap, uncheerful, and prove that having millions of Instagram followers doesn’t automatically translate to a nuanced nose.
But one notable exception is the ever-fragrant David Beckham. His scents have always been as kind to your nostrils as your wallet, an extension of his genuine and intelligent interest in fashion. Where others cash-in, Becks’ projects and collaborations are a co-sign on quality.
His latest, Aqua Classic, is an update to 2013’s Classic. As you’d expect, it’s a sporty scent, full of green and citrus notes ideal for spritzing on after a post-match shower. We chatted with the style icon to get the lowdown on the new fragrance, his family, and his burgeoning business empire.
celebsfans:It’s been 10 years since you created your first fragrance. How has your attitude to business changed in these last 10 years?
David Beckham: I think it is crucial to always be really involved in each stage of the development process, from the original idea, to naming the product and creating the final design.
This is something Coty has always allowed me to do – we work together to give each fragrance a new, fresh twist. Their advice over the last 10 years has been invaluable.
The Beckham brand has evolved over the past five years. Where do you see it going in the next five years? What are your projects for the future?
First of all, I don’t see my career and passion as a brand. I played football for 22 years because it was all I ever wanted to do.
There are three main areas for me – my business, Miami and my work with UNICEF. I wanted to work hard on building a business and forming strong partnerships.
I am so pleased with how quickly it’s all evolved and I’m genuinely lucky to be working with lots of inspiring people. It is a very exciting time and I have some great projects under way.
What pieces of advice would you give to your younger self?
To work hard and never give up. This is a piece of advice that was given to me when I was younger that has really stuck with me. I also think it is important to have fun and enjoy what you do.
You and Victoria are often described as a power couple. Do you talk about your projects with Victoria?
We are always there to give each other advice on our projects if we need to but when we are at home, we try to focus on the kids and enjoy our family time.
Do you also share your projects with your children? Do they come to you for advice on their projects in life?
Definitely. My kids are really interested in the projects I work on, particularly my 7 Fund partnership with UNICEF. I am proud to share my work with them.
If you hadn’t been a footballer, where would you see yourself working?
When I was a kid, I really couldn’t imagine doing anything other than playing football and I trained hard to achieve my goals. I knew that playing football was what I enjoyed to do.