Celebs Fans Support a campaign for our one regular subscriber
Support For Mompreneur
My mother who’s been a nurse for over 10 years helping the elderly, the sick, the dying and I have to say it hasn’t been easy. Putting us through through college and sacrificing what she had to in order for us to get an education. My mother is beautiful inside and out and I want for her what she wants from us happiness and success.
She recently lost her job due to discrimination because they didn’t like the color of her hair (shame we still deal with this mistreatment today). I would love to support her dreams and give back by setting up her company. I want her to continue doing what she loves in the field that she loves.
All I’m asking for is 0.50 cents from everyone who believes we can make a difference. I want to open up hundreds of jobs for nurses, home health aides, CNA’s and others in the health field.
With the success of our campaign I want our parents and grandparents to be assured that they will be taken care of as they get older, regardless of whatever insurance they have. Denying people help or assistance is wrong and we want to change that.
“Don’t be afraid to give Now for a better tomorrow”So if you want to help just click on the link below
Vitaly Verlov- A world class motion graphics designer and VFX artist determined to bring more quality films back As a visual effects artist and filmmaker, Vitaly Verlov knows that a great deal of people, including movie critics, feel that Hollywood is no longer making original films. They think that there are too many remakes and […]
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Actors are certainly fascinating people. While other people go to work and spend eight hours at mundane jobs, actors get to pretend all day while they’re ‘working’. Of course, most of them might object to the descriptive ‘pretend’ and they would probably use the word ‘transform’ instead, because that’s just what they do – transform […]