Celebs Fan : How did you get involved in Acting? Passion or inspiration?
Isobel Hyland : I have always been a pretty dramatic child and so my mum put me into dance lessons at age 3 as I was always moving. I fell in love with how expressive dance is and how you can tell a story with your body movements and facial expressions. From there I wanted to learn how I could develop that further and so the next step was acting and acting classes. I loved combining the two and how I could bring a story onto stage involving both acting and dance.
Celebs Fan : England to LA, felt the difference?
Isobel Hyland : Yes and not just the time difference. The decision to leave my home at age 18 and move to another country was a huge one but has enabled me to grow so much as an individual. I feel everything here is on a different pace than what I was use to back home, but I’ve learnt to navigate the industry the best I can and have been enjoying doing so.
Celebs Fan : Are you working on any current projects?
Isobel Hyland : Yes! I have many films in the film festival circuit right now that have won awards and am so proud to have been part of such creative projects. I am always inspired to be part of films with a message and that somehow relate to current events. I believe acting can not only be creative but be a channel to help people. Audiences can feel inspired by characters they see and with the current projects I am working on I want people to feel they can be inspired by my ability to tell them a story.
Celebs Fan : Which has been your favorite character that you have performed?
Isobel Hyland : The character of Ella in Faire Le Pas, a short film that was released in 2018. This filmed followed Ella, a young dancer who had to stand up to her abuser. This film was created around the time of the Me Too movement and I loved the character arc that Ella went through. As an actor that is one of the most interesting things about a character, is to see and experience the development and change that character goes through as you tell their story on screen. Ella had such a change in her character when she finally decided to stand up and speak for herself and that was really powerful to play with.
Celebs Fan : Do you think that you have the potential to carry a film on your shoulders? ?
Isobel Hyland : Yes, I think films are a lot of hard work, patience and dedication. Most of all you have to have to mentality to hurry up ad wait. Films are amazing ways of telling a story to a wide variety of audiences and I feel I have the passion to create films and be part of such a creative industry.
Celebs Fan : What kind of roles do you prefer?
Isobel Hyland : I love historical dramas and playing characters in period pieces, I think time pieces are so compelling and telling stories from our own history is so captivating as you can really get immersed into the world. We have such rich, fascinating stories in our history and so many to tell. I also love how each actor is different and so you can play a character one way but someone else may play it completely different. Characters based on someone real from history is taking your own ideas and combining them with real facts and events that took place. I love playing characters that involve really having to delve deep into their world and the events that they had to go through.
Celebs Fan : Is it true that you have to change yourself in order to be accepted into the entertainment business?
Isobel Hyland : I don’t believe in changing yourself, I think being involved in the entertainment business is definitely a learning experience in which you will grow as an individual. And let’s not forget that the entertainment industry is ever changing and evolving in itself and you have to learn to grow with it. I think some of the most unique qualities you have come from your individual personality and those qualities are what makes you stand out from the next actor.
Celebs Fan : What is some advice that you would give to someone aspiring to become an actor?
Isobel Hyland : Becoming an actor is not an immediate situation, but a process that you don’t need to rush. Every no in the audition room is a learning experience on how to better yourself and never give up. Take every experience you have and use it as a tool to not only learn and improve from but also use in your acting.
Celebs Fan : How are you managing your fan following?
Isobel Hyland : I like to Isobel Hyland Celebs Fans and give advice where I can, as I am still learning every day myself. But I like to help others into believing to follow their dreams and to keep positive.