Scott Hughes the father of two kids, a son and a daughter named Tristen and Amaya respectively, was born and raised in Manchester, C.T. In 2006 at the age of 19, he founded which was a huge lead in his career. While in the early days of his website, he also works on the side from 2006 to 2014 as a server and bartender at a few local restaurants. This work also improves his personality and his social skills. But in late 2014, he went on working full time at his website, after quitting all his side jobs. has become successful all over the world, you would find very few people who don’t know his website. In the recent data that has been collected in November 2021, there are more than 2.7 million members that have registered at his website. Also, Scott’s development team has recently OnlineBookClub e-reading app, which they are calling OBC READER. This app is going to compete with amazon kindle. His readers seemed to be satisfied with his website as you can see the views of his users as one stated that
“ opens up the world of reading and perfectly connects readers and authors by allowing readers to read and review books.”
Scott is himself is the author of four books that are
- Justice: A Novella
- 10 Step Plan to Promote Your Book
- Achieve Your Dreams
- The Banned Book about Love
Moreover, there is news that he has finished the first draft for his fifth book that he titled “InItTogether: The Beautiful Struggles Uniting Us All.” In addition to his business and creative life, Scott is very active in helping others and making the community strong. He has worked on many unpaid volunteer positions such as president of the town-wide PTA in Manchester and vice president of the state-wide Connecticut PTA. He was also elected to the Board of Education in his hometown Manchester, C.T which was also an unpaid volunteer job. On November 18th, 2021, he also slept in his backyard, on a cold night in Connecticut as a fundraiser to help homeless youth that raises $1500, donated to the Charity Covenant House. You can follow Scott on social media that include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram as well as others and you can find their links in one place: