Whoever coined the phrase “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” must have had Rap Legend in mind. Through many adversities, and against surmountable odds, he continues to rise.
Rap Legend discovered his love for music at the age of 8, but it wasn’t until the age of 16 that the talent and passion for music began to grow. Rap Legend recorded his first demo at the age of 18, which gained him some notoriety locally around his home town of Birmingham AL. This opened doors for Rap Legend to gain more exposure through live performances around town.
Rap Legend’s reputation and music soon began to reach outside Alabama to around the world with the assistance of the internet. Raising more than 200,000 likes for his music online, it warranted Rap Legend eventually receiving internet awards, and even landing his music in movies.
Rap Legend recently released his new mix tape in 2014 entitled “Who Is Lil Jay Rap Legend”. His success has even allowed him to start his own label (Rap Legend Records), which within itself is a major accomplishment. Now, he is positioned to not only reach the world with his own music, but with the music of others. It also puts him in the position to help people that are walking in the same shoes he once walked.
Rap Legend 205 is a true artist at heart, and will continue to rise and influence the music world for many years to come.
Follow : https://www.youtube.com/user/LilJayRapLegend?app=desktop