We are sharing our recent interview with hard rock band Madam Riot.
Q: First of all please introduce yourself to our readers?
A: We’re Madam Riot, & we’re a hard rock band based out of LA. We’re here to kick some ass and play the music we’re passionate about!
Q: Our readers would like to know your band members and their roles in the band?
A: Well, my name is Chris Rodway, and I’m the lead singer. Troy Bravo is our lead guitarist, we have Mikey Talbott on the drums, & our man JD London wrecks it on the bass!
Q: Who or What inspired you to launch your band?
A: (Troy) Seeing how musicians and music in general affix to individual people in many different ways drove me to be a musician. First time I picked up Judas Priest’s killer “Screaming for Vengeance” album, something clicked inside of me and said yes, that’s what I want to do with my life! I want other people to experience the same elation hearing our band!
Q: When you decide it’s time to make a new record, is that more exciting or stressful?
A: (Chris) It’s a little bit of both really, but more exciting than stressful because it provides an opportunity to get to really sink into the creative process of it all, which I always love diving into! And when you’re finished it’s always exciting putting something new out there too! When you’re first getting started it’s a bit daunting, but once you start getting your groove and the ideas start flowing, it can really be some of the most rewarding work!
Q: For our readers who have never heard your music, explain your sound in 5 words?
A: (London) Loud, crude, dirty, sleazy, and badass.
Q: What’s the best part about being in a band?
A: (Mikey) The best part is my coworkers, my second family, we couldn’t do anything without each other. And of course the fans rock too!
Q: You write all of your own music; where do you draw inspiration from when you write songs, and what’s your favorite part about the process?
A: (Troy) Our band is influenced by everything and anything. We range from Sade all the way to king diamond. we do NOT aim to imitate or emulate we do what we feel as a band is appropriate to us, and what we’ve always believed in. Personally, my favorite part of the process is writing the lyrics, our word choices dictate whether the song is meaningful or meaningless, relatable or debatable. It’s true insight into the lives of us as people.
Q: How do you handle mistakes during a performance?
A: (Mikey) You don’t acknowledge that you mess up, you just keep going. Most of the time people won’t notice if you just keep moving along, and sometimes those mess ups can be happy little accidents.
Q: Do you get nervous before a show or competition?
A: (London) I’d say yeah, we’re still people. But you just gotta get out there and do your best anyways, and once you start playing the anxiety melts away.
Q: What advice would you give to beginners who are nervous?
A: (Troy) Don’t let anyone tell you what to do, the only way to do things is your own way. It doesn’t matter if people like it or not, if you’re passionate and your incentive is positive you’re going to make an audience.
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