Sometimes our enthusiasm and love towards some particular celeb is so much that we want to express it in front of all the world. Internet is a perfect way to express these feelings with the world. Through blogging, social media or any other way on internet.
You can not only share your feelings but also the stuff related to the celeb that you might have been collecting throughout the years. Uploading the favourite wallpapers of your favorite celebs. And not only that you can also get more pictures and info, news about your celeb through the other fans of that celeb those who would visit fan page created by you.
So here surely the question will arise how to create a fan page/ blog / site about my favorite celebrity?
Answer is simple. To create a Fan Page you can scroll down the list in the left side of your facebook account there you can see the like labelled as “pages” create a new page there.
Put in all the information in the form they will ask about the page you are going to create. Select a name of the page i.e www.facebook/angelinajolli .. You will get the page name available. if not available you can chose any similar. Publish the page and its up. Now you share the picture or any stuff you want. But surely it will be limited functionality and no ownership.
In case you want your own owned page / website register a domain related to you celeb name or any other name you would prefer. And get a suitable webhosting along with it to put the content on. I would personally suggest that installing wordpress application will be easier for you to manage if you are a layman. Posting the stuff is easier there. The site will be owned by you means no concerns of page blocking or anything like that you can do whatever you want on your site put a nice picture of the celeb on the front page and preferbly put his bio along with it. And I would suggest to put a disclaimer that the page/ site is created by a fan not by the celeb himself.
For domain/ Hosting I would suggest to go for godaddy. They have good packages and nice service. Here is a banner to them you can avail there service.