Celebsfans: We been watching you and been hearing a lot about you and your company “ Xpromotions “ from plenty people we notice your starting to gain a lot of attention how does it feel?
A. It’s a great feeling… I think it’s kind of cool.
Q. How did you get started with Xpromotions?
A. in 2012 I dropped out of high school bought me a laptop started using social media mainly twitter & the rest is history.
Q. Do you regret dropping out?
A. Nope not at all I learned all I needed to know while I was there.
Q. Where do you see Xpromotions in 2016?
A. Doing big things, hopefully being a million dollar company by then.
Q. How did you get the background and skills necessary to run Xpromotions?
A. I always been well with computers growing up and know a lot about them which made things easier for me when I was ready to start making money online.
Q. How can people find you and follow you online?
A. Follow my personal twitter ( @itsTheRealX ) & my Instagram ( BossinupX )
Q: Is there anything you would like to say before we end?
A: Just want to thank everyone who supports me love them all.
Thanks for taking time out your day to talk to us Mr.Davis